Don’t Let it Go to Waste, Tap In Partner Campaign

Conscious Alliance partnered with ALOHA to recruit brands to help fill trucks with food and goods to be distributed across the U.S. via an awareness campaign addressing food waste and food insecurity.

  • Oversaw development of campaign messaging, talking points, partner package, pitch deck, creative assets

  • Wrote media alerts, managed media outreach and conducted interviews



14 brands signed on to the campaign, donating 187,000 pounds of products to fill trucks headed to Denver, CO, Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, Zebulon, NC, Rothbury, MI and Chicago, IL. In Chicago, Conscious Alliance partnered with Discover and SocialWorks to host a drive-thru meal distribution event that provided groceries to 1,500 families.


ALOHA has supported Conscious Alliance through food and monetary donations since 2019. In 2021, they partnered on a Fill the Truck campaign that recruited 16 brands to donate 60,000 pounds of products that were distributed across the U.S.


Conscious Alliance Membership Program